We manufacture complete turnkey solutions for manufacture of herbicides, fungicides , insecticides etc. Products like SC , suspension concentrate, emulsion concentrate, Lambda, CS Lambda, fipronil and WDG manufacturing, nano emulsions, and other liquid fertilizers .
Plants can handle massive quantities of raw material , process them and pack them into various bottle sizes.
Pesticide Fertilizers plant Machinery
WDG Machinery ( Water Dispersible Granules)
Suspension Concentrate Plants Machinery
Emulsion Concentrate Plants Machinery
CG Formulation – Coated Granules Machinery
Our clientage includes the top pesticide manufacturing companies in India and across the globe .
Our state of the art machinery Can achieve particle sizes of < 10 microns d90 in less than hour for different batch sizes. Our highly professional and reliable service team looks after our clients and their demand for spares globally .